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About us 

VI International Art Festival МАЛЮЙ.UA (PAINT.UA) organizing by the  Association for the Development of International Relations ADRUM and  STUDOPRAR takes place under the protectorate of the Ministry of Culture and  Information Policy of Ukraine for the development of cultural diplomacy between  Ukraine and other nations, the creation and strengthening of ties between  generations of different countries. New generations carry their vision to seniors in  the format of international communication, which acquaints different countries  with each other's culture. A respected international jury evaluating young  talentsidentifies and directs future development trends of world culture. 

Throughout the war in Ukraine, the museum works organizing cultural events and  facilitated the evacuation of historical and art treasures from other museums of  Ukraine, which were affected by the Russian attack. 

The exhibition of 50 winners of  

the VI International Art Festival МАЛЮЙ.UA will take place in  IP Kavaleridze Museum-workshop May 11- June 5, 2023 

The museum, which will host an exhibition dedicated to to Ivan Petrovich Kavaleridze - the outstanding sculptor, film director, screenwriter and film artist,  the man whom UNESCO calls "Ukrainian Michelangelo". He is the author of  many great works: first full-figure monuments to the brilliant Ukrainian poet and  painter Taras Shevchenko; visiting cards of Kyiv - the sculptural ensemble of  Princess Olga on Mykhailivska Square; monuments to Yaroslav the Wise, Grand  Prince of Kyiv near the Golden Gate and the eternal traveler Hryhoriy Skovoroda  on Kontraktova Square.

Andrew's Descent  

The museum where exhibition of 50 Winners of the International Art  Festival МАЛЮЙ.UA will take place is located in the historical and cultural heart  of the capital of Ukraine - on St. Andrew's Descent, which is called Kyiv's  Montmartre. Any day, in any weather, artists exhibit their paintings here across the  street in the open air, where you also find jewelry, embroideries, rarities and more.  Street musicians perform here and the atmosphere of the end of the 19th - 

beginning of the 20th century prevails. This is “must visit” place for tourists and a  favorite place of rest for inhabitants of Kyiv. Here there is a monument of  architecture and monumental painting of the 18th century of world importance St.  Andrew's Church, designed by the Italian architect Rastrelli, the mysterious  "Castle of Richard the Lionheart" and several museums, including the museum of  the great writer Mikhail Bulgakov, in house 13, where he lived, and the only  museum on the continent “Museum of one street” about the unique and charming  Andrew's Descent. At the beginning of the war in Ukraine, for the first time in its  history, the legendary Andrew's Descent was empty. Air alarm sirens howled over  empty cafes and cobblestone streets without the usual paintings and souvenirs. No  passers-by, no cars - only rare museum workers who maintained the cultural front.  The first artist appeared here on Easter, and already in the summer there were as  many people here as before the war. And now the art center lives and delights the  townspeople in the open air. 

Terms of participation 

Children and young people from any country can take part in the festival  aged 5 to 25 years old. 


Requirements for works 

Participants can submit drawings (paintings, collages, etc.) or sculptures There are no prohibitions or advantages in the theme or materials, the only  requirement is that it must be original works, not redrawing of famous images. The  maximum siz eof paintings is A2. The size of the sculptures is discussed in each  case separately. 

How works are evaluated 

Criteria for evaluation of works:

The works are evaluated according to two criteria: 

• technique of painting according to age; 

• idea of work. 

Age categories: 

Each participant competes only with his age (five-year-old with five-year-old, six year-old with six-year-old, etc.) 

Evaluation process: 

All works are considered by the organizing committee. Those works that have  passed the free casting are evaluated by the jury from 1 to 10 points, where 1 is the  lowest score, 10 is the highest score. All points are summed up, the winner is the  one who scored more points. 

The first round 

Free casting 

To participate in the festival you need to send on email:  [email protected]

• photos of maximum three works;  

• completed application form; 

• portrait photo. 

Due to possible bombings, shelling, blackouts and other circumstances in the  state of war, the answer to your application may not come immediately. But the  organizers will certainly accept the application of each participant. After the  casting, you will receive a notification by e-mail whether you have passed to the  second round. 

The second round 

If you went to the second round, you need to pay a registration fee: For Europe countries: 20  

For USA, Canada and other countries: $ 20 

After payment, you become a participant of the festival and your work is  selected for an international exhibition at the IP Kavaleridze Museum-Workshop  (Kyiv, Andriyivskyi Descent, 21). One of your works is selected by jury and  reaches the Final of the Festival.  

All finalists receive: 

The Diploma of the Finalist of the VI International Art Festival  МАЛЮЙ.UA.  

The work of the finalist and his portrait will be included in the video,  which will be broadcast during the exhibition at the Kavaleridze  Museum and on the festival recourses. 

The work of the finalist and his portrait will be exhibited on the  festival resources. 

The third round 

From the works of the finalists, a respected international jury of famous  artists and cultural figures select 50 works, which will be presented at the  exhibition on May 11-31 at the IP Kavaleridze Museum-Workshop. The authors of  50 works become the Winners of the Festival. 

Each Winner receives: 

• The winner's painting / sculpture will be on the exhibition at the Kavaleridze  Museum in Kyiv on May 11-31, 2023. 

• Diploma of the Winner of the VI International Art Festival МАЛЮЙ.UA. • The name of each Winner will be on the festival resources and in all partner  media of the festival. 

• Photos and videos of Winner’s work from the exhibition in the Museum Workshop of I.P. Kavaleridze. 

• Photos of each Winner and photos of his work on the festival resources: site http://adrum.com.ua 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adrumukraine/ 

Instagram: @adrum.ukraine 

Telegram: https://t.me/drawuawar 

How the Winner's work is exhibited 

The Winner's work can be exhibited at the exhibition in two ways:  1. The work can be sent to the organizers in Kyiv at the expense of the  Winner. After the exhibition, the organizers will send the work back at the expense  of the Winner.  

2. The photo of the drawing / painting of the Winner is printed on plastic by  the organizers in A2 format. In this case the Winner must submit a photo of work  of 300 dpi and pay 10 euro for print. If it is a sculpture, then the Winner makes 8  photos from different sides, on this basis the organizers create a video that is  broadcast at the exhibition using a projector.  

Opening of the exhibition 

The Winners have the opportunity to attend the grand opening of the  exhibition at the IP Kavaleridze Museum-Workshop on May, 11, at 12.00. The  exhibition will be widely covered by the media.  

* If the dates are postponed because of war, the exhibition will take place  according to the new dates. 

International Jury 

Oleksandr Yunin 

Chairman of the Jury, Ukraine 

Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Director of the Museum-Workshop IP  Kavaleridze, the organizer of many cultural events. 

Oliviero Rainaldi 

Jury member, Italy 

His work focuses mainly on the human figure, analyzed in various environments of  drawing, graphics, painting and sculpture. Among his projects there are  installations in churches in Italy, a sculpture of Pope Paul II in Cinquecento Square  in Rome, a large bas-relief of the Roman god Neptune to the 100th anniversary of  the automobile company Maserati, outdoor sculpture exhibition in Dubai with  British sculptor Sir Tony Craig. Important solo exhibitions have taken place in  various centers of world culture, including palaces, galleries and museums in 

Rome and Venice, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai, the Mucciaccia  Art Gallery in Singapore and the Petronas Gallery in Kuala Lumpur. Oliviero  Rainaldi has been honored with many awards, including the European Personality  Award at the Campidolio in Rome, the Brand Award from the Asia-Pacific Brand  Foundation (APBF), the title of Academic of the Pontifical Academy of Fine Arts  and Letters of the Virtuosi at the Pantheon which Pope John Paul II awarded him.  His artworks are present in permanent collections of national and international  public institutions: the Stockholm City Hall (the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony  location), at the UN Building in Geneva, at the Pontifical Council for Culture,  Vatican, at the Soumaya Foundation, Mexico City and others. 

Edoardo Crisafulli 

Jury member, Italy 

The cultural attaché of Italy in various countries, such as Israel, Lebanon, Syria,  Japan, and from 2021 in Ukraine, heads the Italian Cultural Institute. Has the  degree of Doctor of Philosophy. It is often published on various topics (translation  studies, Italian politics, fiction). 

Anastasiya Siro 

Jury member, USA 

Partner and Head of Americas for House of the Nobleman (“HotN”) London, New  York, which provides consulting and services in the field of art. She is art critic  and curator of exhibitions of young artists in New York, London and the Venice  Biennale. Young Collectors Council Acquisitions Committee The Guggenheim  Museum, New York. Anastasiya is organizer of patronage projects and curator of  the artists' auction at The Watermill Art Center, New York. 

Anastasiia Cifers 

Jury member, USA 

Co-founder of CIFERS FOUNDATION (USA), organizer of international cultural  projects. Public activist, expert on local self-government, gender equality and  educational programs. Head of the NGO "European Assembly of Women  Deputies", founder of the national competition "Best Women's Initiatives of  Ukraine". Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the NGO "National Network for  the Local Philanthropy Development" (Ukraine), Honorary Ambassador of the  NGO "International Embassy of Women Entrepreneurs", Scholar and graduate of  the summer school of Harvard University (USA), Officer of the NGO "Kyiv  Rotary Club International" (Kyiv). She was awarded by the Parliament of Ukraine  "For services to the Ukrainian people", and got to the TOP-100 most successful  Ukrainians in 2019. 

Yang Soon-Yeal 

Jury member, South Korea 

A multimedia artist who crosses various genres such as painting and sculpture. The  subject that she has been working on throughout her life is related to a deep poetic  sympathy for existence and objects in general. She explores the possibility of  overcoming the crisis faced in this era and the spiritual connection between  humans, objects, and nature through restoring expanded motherhood.The artist is 

working internationally, her exhibitions were in South Korea, USA, Japan, the  Netherlands and other countries. 

Ozlem Yeni 

Jury member, Australia 

Artist and director / founder of The Main Gallery in Adelaide, Australia. Prior to  becoming a full-time artist, she enjoyed an 18-year academic career as a teacher of  stage design, earning a master's degree and a doctorate in philosophy. She has had  a number of solo and group exhibitions in Turkey, Japan, Albania and Australia.  Her paintings and works of clay can be found in private collections in many  countries. 

Carlos García Lahoz 

Jury member, Spain 

A sculptor and conceptual painter. He is the creator of important international  projects such as "Eight cities in Europe united by Art", "Maternal Instinct" , "R evolution and “Twin Souls” where Francisco de Goya and Taras Shevchenko were  joined through ten of his sculptures. His works can be seen in various squares and  museums in Spain, Ukraine, Georgia and China. Carlos is very active in social  projects as important as the reinsertion of prisoners through art. The Ukrainian city  Uman opened a park named after him in October 2018 which is dedicated to  Spanish culture. The tireless artist is working on numerous projects that will soon  be exhibited in South Africa, Colombia, the United States, Pakistan and Ukraine. 

Anastazija Miranovich 

Jury member, Montenegro 

Long-term director of the National Museum of Montenegro, President of ICOM  Montenegro, Director of the Office for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of  Montenegro, Member of the National Commission for UNESCO. Anastazija is a  doctor of art history, she is art critic and museum consultant, curator of many 

important art events in Montenegro and abroad, where she promotes the country at  major world art events, such as the Venice Biennale. Anastazija is an active  participant in the Montenegrin fashion scene, she has created several incredible  projects, including international ones, such as a multimedia project with Jean-Paul  Gauthier. Anastazija is an important person in the cultural, social and political life  in Montenegro and internationally. 

Mirko Dragovich 

Jury member, Montenegro 

A painter, Member of the Association of Fine Artists of Montenegro, author of  numerous solo exhibitions in Montenegro and abroad. He more than 10 years  works as an art teacher with children with disabilities, with whom he organized  dozens of exhibitions. 

Gordana Tomashevich 

Jury member, Montenegro 

Long-term director of the Higher School of Arts. Petara Lubardi in Cetinje,  Professor of Fine Arts, initiator and organizer of many educational programs, 

seminars, festivals and competitions, as well as other events that develop education  and art. Among them: organization of more than 30 exhibitions of works by  students of GSOM. Petara Lubardi, development of educational programs in  various fields for children and youth, conferences in the field of general and  secondary vocational education, etc. 

Suren Safaryan 

Jury member, Armenia 

An artist, President of the Union of Artists of Armenia, Chairman of the Boards of  Trustees of the State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia, Lecturer at the State  Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia. Member of UNESCO and many  international professional unions. Solo and group exhibitions were held in  Armenia, Hungary, France, Germany, Belarus, China, Slovenia, Italy, USA and  other countries. Organizer of several dozen exhibitions and international projects  and also designer of puppet shows and open-air festivals in Armenia, Italy and  other countries. 

Tamaz Avaliani 

Jury member, Geogria 

The graphic artist with unique author's technique of creating paintings with an  ordinary black ballpoint pen. He is author of solo exhibitions and participant in  numerous joint projects held in Georgia, Ukraine, Spain, Slovenia, Bulgaria,  Turkey and other countries. For 25 years, he has created more than 600 works of  art, which have earned him recognition as artists, art lovers, and art collectors in  Georgia and abroad. Many of Avaliani's works are in private collections in  Germany, Spain, France, Switzerland, USA and other countries. 

Farzaliyev Genghis Abdul Medjidoglu 

Jury member, Azerbaijan 

Director of the Azerbaijan National Museum of Arts, Honored Art Worker of the  Republic of Azerbaijan, Professor, Chairman of the State Expert Commission on  Fine Arts. He is an honorary professor at the University of Cambridge (UK), the  Kamoliddin Behzod National Institute of Fine Arts and Design of the Academy of  Arts of Uzbekistan, an honorary doctor of the Tbilisi Academy of Arts, a member  of the International Academy of Turkic Studies. He has received numerous  international awards, including the French Order of Art and Literature, the Leonard  Euler Medal of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (Hanover, Germany),  the Cambridge International Biographical Center Award, and others. Curator and  participant of dozens of international art projects, author of more than 50 books on  art. 

Asker Javadov 

Jury member, Azerbaijan 

Painter, member of the National Union of Artists of Azerbaijan, participant in  many international art projects, personal and joint exhibitions around the world. He  has received many awards, including the "100 Years of Diplomatic Relations  between Ukraine and Azerbaijan". The works are in private collections in Western  Europe, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Eldar Hajiyev 

Jury member, Azerbaijan 

An artist, member of the Union of Artists of Azerbaijan, creator of unique carpets  on national subjects. Personal exhibitions were successfully held in France, the  United Arab Emirates, Ukraine and other countries. Author's works are in private  collections and in museums around the world. 

Wei Limin 

Jury member, China 

A member of " The Association of Chinese Artists of Ukraine", general director of  the Ukrainian-Chinese Center for Culture and Education, Candidate of Pedagogical  Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Arts A. Avdievsky of National  Ukrainian Pedagogical University. Her activities contribute to the expansion of  creative cooperation and exchange of cultural experience between the People's  Republic of China and Ukraine. 

Chi Shaotin 

Jury member, China 

An artist, calligrapher and teacher of fine arts, member of the Public Club of  Culture of China. She works in the unique Chinese technique of Ce-i (expressing  ideas). She studied with prominent artists in China, Chang Yuan, Chang Huayong  and Liu Zungang. Her works are stored in museums and galleries in different  countries. Chi Shaotin has participated in many solo and group exhibitions in  China, Ukraine, the United States, Spain and other countries. Working as an art  teacher for more than 10 years she has her own school "Celestial Culture". 

Federico Arnaud 

Jury member, Uruguay 

A sculptor, professor at the University of Católica in Uruguay, winner of many  Uruguayan and international awards and prizes. He creates sculptures,  installations, videos and performances. Federico is a representative of Uruguay at  numerous biennials and exhibitions in Germany, France, Mexico, Brazil and other  countries. His sculptures adorn the capital of Uruguay - Montevideo. The master's  works are in public and private collections in Uruguay and other countries. 

Federico has worked as a coordinator of visual arts in the directory of culture from  the ministry of education and culture in Uruguay for several years, participated in  the jury of the competitive funds for culture, on the international call for the  contemporary arts culture center's art program exhibition and in a jury in the Paul  Cezanne prize. 

Yulia Shilenko 

Jury member, Ukraine 

Chief Curator of the Taras Shevchenko National Museum, a Member of the  International Council of Museums (ICOM). For many years of activity in the field  of museum studies and preservation of cultural heritage she was awarded one of  the highest state awards of Ukraine "Order of Merit of the III degree". Yulia is an  active participant in all-Ukrainian and international conferences. She participated 

in the construction of the expositions of the Taras Shevchenko National Museum  in Kyiv, in Beijing (China) and Toronto (Canada). She conducts educational  activities. Yulia is actively involved in the promotion of Ukrainian culture in the  world and cultural diplomacy as a curator of various art projects in the museum  and abroad. 

Valery Franchuk 

Jury member, Ukraine 

Painter - graphic artist – sculptor, People's Artist of Ukraine, member of the  National Union of Artists of Ukraine, laureate of the Taras Shevchenko National  Prize of Ukraine, laureate of the Vasily Stus, winner of many awards. The artist  created an author's style and art technique. For over 30 years he created more than  5,500 paintings, 1,300 graphic works and about 100 sculptures. He had more than  120 group and 180 solo exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad. The works are stored in  national museums, public organizations, cultural centers of Ukraine and around the  world. 

Mykola Sologub 

Jury member, Ukraine 

An artist, his works are stored in museums and galleries in Ukraine and abroad. A  technique that allows the artist to get closer to his goal is the fusion of book  graphics and sculpture. He has participated in many solo and group exhibitions in  Ukraine, Italy, USA, China, Germany, France, Lithuania, Canada and other  countries. For many years he illustrated the literary and art magazine "Gilgemesh",  which he founded together with Andriy Gushchin. 

Oksana Fursa 

Jury member, Ukraine 

An artist, rector of Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Arts, Doctor of  Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, President of the Confederation of Designers and  Stylists of Ukraine. Numerous personal exhibitions and participation in joint  projects have gained recognition and commitment of many connoisseurs of beauty  in Ukraine and abroad. Along with active artistic activity, Oksana is a well-known  organizer of design, educator and scientist in Ukraine and abroad. 

Mykola Zinchenko 

Jury member, Ukraine 

ARSANI Auction Director. Founder of the service for artists Promotion Gallery.  Art dealer, auctioneer, scientist, art critic. 

Petro Bevza 

Jury member, Ukraine 

The artist, a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, works in the  genres of painting, sculpture, landscape in the areas of post-avant-garde and neo expressionism. Personal and group exhibitions, as well as art projects initiated and  participated by the artist have been successfully held in various countries around  the world.

Oleksandr Udra 

Jury member, Ukraine 

An artist, organizer of the International Art Festival МАЛЮЙ.UA, curator of  international art projects. His exhibitions have been successfully held in Ukraine  and abroad. The author's style combines a creative vision and a technological  approach to performance, critics and the media have called it a new direction in  contemporary art. 

Tatiana Kolesnichenko 

Jury member, Ukraine 

A founder and director of the International Art Festival МАЛЮЙ.UA, head of  promotion and production STUDIORAR, president of the Association for the  Development of International Relations ADRUM. She actively develops cultural  diplomacy, organizing projects between Ukraine and Great Britain, USA,  Montenegro, China, Germany, Slovenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Italy,  Spain, Belgium, Uruguay, Canada, South Korea and other countries. For the  moment the Association under Tetiana's leadership cooperates with 25 states from  6 continents, constantly developing cultural ties between countries and peoples. 

We look forward to your participation and representing your country at  the VI International Art Festival МАЛЮЙ.UA! 

All questions by phone: +380674094155 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) e-mail: [email protected] 

Website: http://adrum.com.ua 

Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/adrumukraine/ 

Instagram: @adrum.ukraine 

Telegram: https://t.me/drawuawar